
Promo Codes/Special Offers

Discounts are valid on regular priced items within the guidelines of the promotion. Your discount applies to your cart total before taxes and shipping. Discounts are not valid on sale items. EXCEPT when promotion gives a special offer exclusively for sale items. Discounts DO NOT apply to gift cards. The discount code is only valid through the dates listed on the promotional offer. You may redeem one promo code per order. We maintain the right to change or modify the promotion at any time. Additional restrictions may apply.

General Pricing Terms

Prices are subject to change without notice.

How Do I Use A Promotional Code?

Once you've reached the checkout stage, enter your promotional code into the discount bar, enter the correct code and click 'Apply'. If the code is valid, your discount will be applied! Please note, only one promotion/discount code is redeemable per order and we DO NOT price match any past promotions.

I can't find where to use the discount code, please help!

We've created this image to help guide you step by step.

If using a gift card, this is the same place you will enter that number.

Can I apply a promo code AFTER my order has already been placed?

Unfortunately, we can not apply any sort of discount once the order has been placed. 

Are Coupons Reusable or Refundable?

Coupons are not refundable. Once they have been used, they can not be reactivated. If you are making an exchange and made the purchase with a coupon, that coupon can not applied to the exchange. You will need to pay the difference.


The Item I Recently Purchased Just Went On Sale. Can I Get Reimbursed For The Difference?

Sales or Promotions can happen at any time, with or without notice, and are not subject to reimbursement on any previous orders.  


I Bought An Item During A Sale Promotion. Can I Return It?

All Sales during any Sale Promotion is FINAL and can NOT be returned. No exceptions. Please see our Return Policy.